Thursday, March 29, 2007

Inspirational Sources

It's really kind of strange where my inspiration comes from. For example, today I was outside and noticed that the sky was overcast but toward the horizon the sun was reflecting off the ground. The clouds had a warm creamy look to them and it got me thinking about how I might turn that into an alien landscape.

Another day I was playing with my son and his legos and randomly put blocks together that made me think of a cargo transport for some interplanetary venture.

I guess it is how my brain is wired. I can pick up on some small detail that everyone misses and see it as something really exotic. It's really a kick sometimes!

In another note, I had a bit of a reality check today reading Bob Eggleton's blog. In it he mentions that he feels he has regained his confidence with oils. To me it never seemed a question. His prolificity (is that a word?) seemed to preclude any suspicion that he was concerned. It made me realize that everyone has these moments of wondering. It's inspiring to hear that he's overcome his.

If I could have chosen a big brother Bob might be it. He likes so many of the same cool things that I do it might be really interesting to spend some time with him and hear what life is like from his point of view. Granted we have different styles and approaches but I think that it is possible to learn something from everyone if the mind is open to it. And he's been doing this considerably longer than I have.

1 comment:

Bob Eggleton (Zillabob) said...

Hi Chris. Thanks for your kind words! Found this surfing the Blogisphere. I'm happy to be that kind of inspiration. All I can say is that you never stop learning and working to be better, no matter what one's "status" is. Anyway I like your stuff, visit my blog anytime!

Bob E