Sunday, October 22, 2023

More Inquisitive Thoughts

 While I am usually all about hero figures (Superman, Spider-Man, Batman...) There are a few villains and anti-heroesb I truly enjoy. Hans Gruber in Die Hard, Kaiser Soze in Usual Suspects to name two. But one villain has become something of an obsession.

 The Grand Inquisitor from Star Wars quickly became a favorite. He quietly premiered in the Clone Wars animated series as a Jedi Palace Guard. To become a guard he gave up his name and became an expert in all forms of saber combat.

 GI also had a bit of a feud going with the Jedi Librarian, Jocasta Nu. In his constant search for knowledge he requested to be allowed to read forbidden materials in the Palace Library but she denied him access. Ultimately he would have his chance after the Jedi Purge in which he was instrumental.

 Distracting and killing his fellow guards, he cleared the way for Anakin and the 501st Legion to carry out order 66 within the palace. Afterward, the collected knowledge of the Jedi for thousands of years would finally be his. There were a few bumps on his path such as when Jocasta Nu appeared in a failed attempt to defend the collection. He also had a brief showdown with Darth Vader himself but was ultimately recruited as the first Inquisitor.

  It was clear GI enjoyed his work, despite how he appeared in Kenobi. He lived for the hunt and was happy to show his vast knowledge. In his first encounter wth Kanan Jarrus he correctly surmised The saber technique Kanan used and even who his Master was. "Interesting. It seems you trained with Jedi Master Depa Bilaba."

  His amused banter while fighting bordered on conversation but usually to the effect of putting his opponent off guard. He would analyze technique and threaten with a superior attitude, "Your meager training is nothing in the face of true power!" And he was fond of intimidating through demoralization. "Your master will die. Your friends will die. And everything you hoped for will be lost."

  The Inquisitor always kept a level voice and moved catlike and smooth with no wasted motions. His voice reflected an equal calm confidence. But he did fear one thing.

  When Kanan allowed himself to be captured to save the rest of the Spectres the Inquisitor complimented him on his growth, "You've been practicing." 

  Kanan's final confrontation with the Inquisitor aboard Moff Tarkin's Star Destroyer ended in GI intentionally falling into the ship's damaged reactor. But he left Kanan with a warning. "You've no idea what you unleashed here today. There are some things far more frightening than death."

  Of course he meant Vader.

  I am speculating but I am of the opinion that in those last moments hanging over the reactor, the Inquisitor saw the true nature of the Force and was redeemed. He knew he was defeated and knew what Vader was capable of. I believe this is why he appeared at the Jedi Temple on Lothal to Kanan. Perhps as a form of penance.

  A confused Kanan, expecting to be struck down, was instead Knighted. The anonymous palace guard he dueled with revealed himself as the deceased Inquisitor to explain, "You are what I once was. A knight of the Jedi Order."

  I also speculate that when Vader breached the Lothal Temple he discovered the former Inquisitor and, as a form of punishment, placed him as a malevolent guardian/trap in the Jedi Outpost on Tempes. There, his spectral form, complete with flames, attacked anyone who entered, including one jedi named Luke Skywalker. 

All this is why I am so disappointed with how he was portrayed on Kenobi. Maybe he was having an off year? Maybe he had a cold? Suffering from depression? Did he undergo a massive transformation between the events of Kenobi and when he appeared on Rebels?

The Grand Inquisitor we saw on Kenobi was a completely different character with no finesse or charisma. Sure, he was a cartoon character first, but the live version is treated like an afterthought. As sad as it is to say, I can only hope we never see the character in this form again. 

Justice for the Inquisitor! 

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